Access has critical importance in cloud services. As Teletek, we provide end-to-end service and performance by providing a single point of contact to you.span lang=”EN-US”>With Teletek Cloud Computing, a licensed Telecom operator, we provide your access needs from a single point.

Access Services
Data Center Internet Services (uplink)
Teletek Cloud Platform works with multiple domestic and foreign Telecom Operators in data centers spread over three different geographical regions. According to the needs of the institutions
Metro Ethernet Internet
We can allocate Metro Ethernet Internet Circuits from the relevant Telecom Operators on behalf of the Institutions. You can benefit from our 24/7 monitoring services for maintenance and upgrade operations. We can track and finalize your calls on your behalf. Teletek is always with you for a solution from a single spot!
Point-to-Point Metro Ethernet
Teletek Cloud can allocate circuits from the regions of the Institutions to the Data Centers or among themselves through the domestic and foreign contracted Telecom Operators, and carries out all the installation and management processes with expert Network Engineers. Teletek also holds a hosting and Telecom Operator license.
We are ready for necessary leasing and locating processes through Telecom Operators in order to unite the geographical regions of the institutions from end to end. You can have Teletek Cloud Engineers design the suitable structure for you and benefit from our management, maintenance and 24/7 monitoring services.